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berührungslos. hochpräzise. modular.

MANNER Telemetrie Komponenten


Erfassen die zu messende Größe und geben diese als Rohmesswert an den Messverstärker weiter.


Bereiten das Signal für die Übertragung vor. Es wird digitalisiert und fehlerkompensiert.


Induktiv, über ein hochfrequentes E-Feld, mittels Rotor- und Statorantenne.


Datenempfang durch eine Statorantenne. Daten werden demoduliert und überprüft.


Datenübergabe zur Aufzeichnung oder Remote-Konfiguration der Messkette an einen PC.


Wir, die MANNER Sensortelemetrie GmbH kombinieren verschiedenste Sensoren mit unseren Sensortelemetriesystemen. Dies bedeutet, dass wir den geeigneten Sensor für die zu erfassende Größe zusammen mit dem Kunden auswählen. Entweder erfolgt dies als Beistellung oder als Beschaffung durch uns.

Hierbei können unsere multifunktionalen Systeme sich nahezu jedem Sensor anpassen. Eine Auswahl typischer angewendeter Sensoren wird hier exemplarisch genannt. Dies stellt keine vollständige Liste der verfügbaren Sensoren dar.

  • Dehnungsmessstreifen in ¼-, ½-, und Vollbrückenschaltung (Erfassung von Dehnungen, Herstellung von Messgliedern zur Erfassung von Axialkraft, Biegemoment, Drehmoment …)
  • Beschleunigungssensoren
  • Drucksensoren
  • Temperatursensoren (PT100, TC, weitere)
  • Induktive Wegsensoren
  • Drehzahlsensoren
  • Lagergeber
  • Winkelgeber


SV-Flex – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type Samy Flex

For strain gage, PT100
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 11 mV/V
Bandwidth: 10 Hz to 10 kHz
Strain gage brigde supply: 3.3 V
Strain gage bridge resistance: 350 (120, 1000)

SV-Flex – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type Kalimero

For thermocouple (isolated or non-isolated), Pt100, strain gage
Measuring range up to 1000°C
Bandwidth: up to 500 Hz with 1 channel, up to 100 Hz with 16 channels

SV2a – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2a (with integrated Rotor Antenna)

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV2b – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2b (with integrated Rotor Antenna)

End of shaft, Cartridge, Turbine, Integrated Rotor Coil
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV2bx – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2bx (with integrated Rotor Antenna)

End of shaft, Cartridge, Turbine, Integrated Rotor Coil
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV2c – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2c (with integrated Rotor Antenna)

End of shaft, Miniatur Cartridge, Turbine
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV2d – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2d (with integrated Rotor Antenna)

End of shaft, Miniatur Cartridge, Turbine
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV2La – Universal Shaft Transmitter with Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2La

non dividable, 1 channel, with/without RMC, without rpm sensor
Beared wheel transmitter
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 10 kHz

SV2Lg – Universal Shaft Transmitter with Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 2Lg

dividable, 1 channel, with/without RMC, without rpm sensor
Beared wheel transmitter
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 10 kHz

SV3a – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 3a

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV3b – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 3b

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV3c – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 3c

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV4a – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 4a

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV4b – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 4b

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV5a – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 5a

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV5b – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 5b

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV5c – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 5c

Miniature Patrone
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV5d – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 5d

Super Miniature Patrone
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 1 kHz

SV7a – Miniatur Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 7a

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV7b – Super Miniatur Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 7b Micro

For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 10 kHz

SV7ke – Miniatur Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 7ke

Flatchip with integrated Antenna (special for Chain Application)
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV8a – Waterproof Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 8a

Transmitter with Antenna
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz

SV9 – Sensor Signal Amplifier Type 9

Transmitter with Antenna especially for Driveshaftes
For strain gage, PT100, thermocouple
Sensitivity: 0.02 mV/V to 20 mV/V
Bandwidth: 0 (10) Hz to 50 kHz


AW_DAnt – Evaluation Unit (integrated Pick Up)

1 Channel PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10kHz)
Output: 0 to ±10 V, (0 (4) to 20 mA, frequency, binary
RF power: 1 W, 3 W

OptiMA IP67 – Evaluation Unit

extraordinary transmission range up to 50 mm

1 to 2 Channel PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10kHz)
Output: 0 to ±10 V, (0 (4) to 20 mA, frequency, binary
RF power: 3 W

AW_M – Evaluation Unit

1 Channel PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10kHz)
Output: 0 to ±10 V, (0 (4) to 20 mA, frequency, binary
RF power: 1 W, 3 W

AW_P – Evaluation Unit

1 Channel PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10kHz)
Output: 0 to ±10 V, (0 (4) to 20 mA, frequency, binary, USB, CAN
RF power: 1 W, 3 W, 5W

MAW_F – Evaluation Unit Digital Receiver

1 to 64 Channel PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10 kHz, 50 kHz)
Output: 0 to ±10 V, (0 (4) to 20 mA option
Digital interface (option): USB, Ethernet (TCP/IP), EtherCAT

AW42TE – Evaluation Unit (42TE)

Multi Channel PCM Receiver 42 TE
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10 kHz, 50 kHz option)
Output: 0 to ±10 V
Interfaces (option): USB

AW84TE – Evaluation Unit (84TE, 3HE)

Multi Channel PCM Receiver 84 TE
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10 kHz, 50 kHz option)
Output: 0 to ±10 V
Interfaces (option): USB

AW84TE – Evaluation Unit (84TE, 6HE)

Multi Channel PCM Receiver 84TE HE6
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10 kHz, 50 kHz option)
Output: 0 to ±10 V
Interfaces (option): USB

AW_ES_MGC – Evaluation MGC Plugin Unit

1 Channel MGC-Plugin Unit PCM Receiver
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz
Output: 5 to 15 kHz
RF power: 3 W

AW_ES – Evaluation Unit

Multi Channel PCM Receiver ES
Bandwidth: 0 t 1 kHz (10 kHz, 50 kHz option)
Output: 0 to ±10 V
Interfaces (option): USB


MANNER bietet seinen Kunden eine maßgeschneiderte Software für ihre Telemetriesysteme. So können sie nötige Einstellungen selbst und komfortabel über ihren PC tätigen.